Last purchase day for chanterelles in season 2024 is on Thursday 26.9.2024.
Chanterelle (lat. Cantharellus cibarius) is a beautiful yellow, funnel-shaped mushroom. The edge of its cap is wavy and its lower surface has wavy conductive folds. Chantarelle msuhrooms grow in Finland, usually in the Southern and Central parts of the country. It thrives in diverse forest types, except for dense and dark forests. You may find them growing for example in places like fresh conifer forests, birch forests, wooded yards, bright places, footpaths, islands, lake shores and in mixed and deciduous forests.
Chanterelle is bought fresh, whole and thoroughly cleaned. It must not contain sand, soil or other forest debris. The mushroom must not be cleaned with water.
Area/purchase points:
CategoriesChanterelle is bought fresh, whole and thoroughly cleaned. It must not contain sand, soil or other forest debris. The mushroom must not be cleaned with water. No specific categorization is used.