For pickers
Collecting and selling mushrooms in Finland
Finland is well-known for its beutifull wide forests and thousands lakes. Together with these uniquely pure forests and favourable weather conditions Finland offers a great circumstances for Boletus and other wild mushrooms to grow.
The season of Boletus in Finland is usually from middle of July to the end of October. Thanks to Everyman's Right everyone can freely enjoy picking any kind of quantitives of mushrooms and berries in Finland. You don't need any permission or license to collect mushrooms or berries in Finland.
Private people can freely sell mushrooms and berries they have picked. Dalla Valle Oy has developed a large network of purchasing mushrooms and berries in Finland. Collectors can count on 50-60 purchase points all over Finland: most of them being like warehouses and others like bus stops where our vehicles stops daily at certain time. All our service points with their opening hours You can find here. At Dalla Valle's purchase points mushrooms are paid cash at daily prices. Please notice, that it it is tax free! During the season Dalla Valle's purchase points are open daily.
We warmly welcome You all picking mushrooms and berries in Finland!