North Karelia: Kesälahti
Dalla Valle Oy
Our purchase cars stop twice at day in the market place of Kesälahti
last purchase day on Tuesday 1.10.2024
Market place of Kesälahti
0500 297 811
News for area
- : Last purchase day at Joensuu, Sotkuma, Tohmajärvi, Mikkeli and Haukivuori on Tuesday 1.10.2024
- : The purchase continues at Joensuu, Sotkuma, Tohmajärvi with changed opening hours. Outokumpu´s purchase point is opened for last day on Tuesday 1.10.
- : Last purchase day on Tuesday 1.10.2024 at our purchase cars: Kitee, Puhos, Kesälahti, Nurmes, Juuka, Koli, Romppala, Kontiolahti, Ylämylly, Rääkkylä, Hammaslahti, Liperi, Eno, Ilomantsi, Kovero, Heinävaara.
- : Saari, Parikkala, Punkaharju, Kerimäki, Savonranta, Heinävesi: purchase days every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday from Tuesday 24.9. forward.
- : Changes in the opening days of Outokumpu's purchase point. Tuesday 24.9. forward purchase every Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, Sunday.
- : Last purchase day for cleaned billberries is on Friday 30.8.2024.
- : Tuesday 27.8. forward purchase point at Joensuu will be opened daily 15–19.
- : Purchase point at Outokumpu will be opened again. Tuesday 27.8. forward Outokumpu's purchase point will be at your service every day.
- : Tuesday 27.8. forward our purchase changes to daily purchases at Ylämylly, Hammaslahti, Liperi, Rääkkylä, Eno, Ilomantsi, Heinävaara, Kovero. Purchase cars drives daily in these places.
- : We will take a purchase pause in the purchase point at Outokumpu because of lack of products. The purchase will continue later.
- : A pause in the purchase at Outokumpu's purchase point Monday 19.8. forward because of lack of products. We will be back as soon as there is more to offer.
- : Purchase car n 5 will start driving daily from Thursday 15.8. forward. Purchase every day at Saari, Parikkala, Punkaharju, Kerimäki, Savonranta, Heinävesi, Karvio.
- : Purchase car n 4 will drive every day: purchase every day at Kitee, Puhos and Kesälahti
- : Purchase point at Outokumpu will be opened from Thursday 8.8.2024 forward daily
- : New opening hours for purchase point at Joensuu: Wednesday 7.8. forward every day 17–19
- : Purchase car nr 3 starts on Saturday 3.8. Stops at Eno, Heinävaara, Kovero, Ilomantsi. Purchase days Saturday, Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday.
- : Purchase car number 1 will start on Saturday 3.8. Stops at Nurmes, Juuka, Koli, Romppala, Kontiolahti