The season 2016 has come to an end. Thank you all for the great season.

The autumn is progressing fast with its rainy days and leaves coming down from the trees. We have closed our purchase points all around Finland and, thus, it is time to say goodbye for now. Thank you employyes, pickers, customers and other partners for the great season 2016. It has been a pleasure to collaborate with you.
The season varied a lot in Finland. In North Karelia we had the joy of working with great amount of mushrooms. Pickers were happy and the quality was good. The spruce forests really gave their best regarding the ceps. Instead in rest of Finland the growth of ceps was quite small and to be honest, the expectations for the season were much higher. But you never know what happens when you are working with the products of nature. Nonetheless, we can be satisfied that there was a lot of ceps atleast in some parts of Finland and really good ones especially!
At the moment we are just doing some finishing works. The season has really come to an end now. During the winter time we are closed and will be preparing the next season 2017. Thank you again for this season! We hope you enjoyed working with the mushrooms as much as we did and we hope to see you all next year.
Wishing you all a nice winter time!
Loreno, Zelia, Zara and Marco